
Great News!


If you were referred to this site by your health insurance provider they must recognize the value of this course. Health insurance companies profit from your premiums. They do not profit from paying for your medical services. Knowledge from this course will enable you to take charge of your health. Then it becomes a win-win. You prove you have the knowledge and they save and agree to charge you less for having it. Take this course today and get the returns on your investment in you!

You are about to benefit from the most effective advice followed by real patients seen in actual clinical settings over many years of practice. This material has been condensed and organized into a comprehensive foundation for you to maintain the only body you will live this life in. You are on your way to a more knowledgeable, efficient, and healthy you.

This course is designed to empower you. You will learn valuable information for a lifetime. It has been divided into 15 sections. Each section is followed by corresponding practice test questions. You will be able to go back and review the section as you take the practice test questions. Once you are confident you know the answers for that particular section then simply move on to the next. You may navigate from one section to another during the course. Once you become successful answering the practice test questions from each section you should readily succeed on the final test.

The final test is presented to you at the end of the course. When you begin the test phase you can no longer access and review the material. Please be certain you are prepared for the test before you commit. You have 30 days from the time you begin the course to complete the test.

Once you achieve a passing score you will have earned your Health Defense Certification. Please download, save, and print your certificate for your records.

In the event your 30 days lapse or another attempt to pass the test is required, you will be e-mailed a link that will enable you to re-take the course and test at an affordably discounted rate. There is no limit on the number of times you may do this. It’s in everyone’s best interest that you succeed and the purpose of this course is to educate you to do so.

Thank you for choosing this course. We are confident you will find this a rewarding and beneficial investment.

Health Defense Certification Course

Health Defense Certification Course

Purchase your course access to take the Health Defense Certification Course
